Board Members

Robert DeLaurentis
Foundation President
An equatorial and polar circumnavigator flying to advance world peace and STEM. Robert formed the DeLaurentis Foundation back in 2018 to have an impact on the planet through the miracle of flight.
“Peace Pilot” Robert DeLaurentis is an aviation circumnavigator, author, speaker, pilot, real estate entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Navy Gulf War veteran. He is the founder of the “Citizen of the World for the World” global peace movement to connect humanity through the wonder of flight and the power of courageous action.
Author of the best-selling “Zen Pilot: Flight of the Passion and the Journey Within,” “Flying Thru Life: How to Grow Your Business and Relationships Through Applied Spirituality,” and children’s book “The Little Plane that Could” his upcoming book, “Peace Pilot: To the Ends of the Earth and Beyond” will release soon.
Robert’s mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their impossibly big dreams through the wonder of flight and the power of courageous action.
Susan Gilbert
Pilot and Polar Circumnavigation Board Member, Susan has been guiding and mentoring Robert for almost 30 years. She plays a key role in the planning and execution of the circumnavigations, world records, books, presentations, blogs, scholarships, and presentations of the Foundation.
Inspired by Richard Bach’s books featuring flight in a bi-plane, Susan Gilbert began her flying instruction in 1993 and immediately after receiving her pilot’s license purchased a Cessna 182, N198G. Robert was a regular passenger on her jaunts around the So Cal area to purchase a ‘$100 hambuger’.
Published author of the acclaimed gift book, The Land of I Can, Susan created Robert’s Flying ‘Thru Life’ brand and has worked with him on his books, documentary and mission. Her marketing team has been instrumental in building his thought leadership and social media following.
Don Harrison
Foundation Treasurer
Don has been advising and providing financial guidance in support of Robert and his real estate investments for over 20 years and the DeLaurentis Foundation since its inception in 2013.
Don helps to structure transactions, file returns, and pay taxes so that the foundation can have the maximum impact possible.
Don’s focus for the foundation is toward the future which will include an airport and STEM museum with foundation aircraft, simulators and much more!
Ludlow & Harrison, A CPA Corp.
Chris Honeycutt
At age 35 Chris is also be the youngest Director on the board and will ensure the foundation lasts for many decades to come.
Steve Borowski
Board Member
While in the Air Force, Steve flew T-37’s, T-38’s, and F-4 Phantoms and later Steve continued flying as a general aviation pilot. He has owned two aircraft and is currently building a Sonex kit aircraft. His aviation career expanded to include working as an aerospace and electrical engineer for multiple companies. He spent time with Honeywell, Loral, and L3 Corporation, developing flight systems for missiles, aircraft, drones, RPV’s and Satellites.
He later transitioned into airport management when Steve became Brevard County’s Director of Aviation and Manager of Valkaria Airport X-59. He turned a broken-down World War II airport into a thriving gem on the space coast with over 80,000 general aviation operations annually. He has applied, received and managed over thirty FAA & FDOT Grants totaling more than forty-million dollars. Steve has almost fifty years in the aviation industry.
Don Meehan
Board Member
Don Meehan is a board member and volunteer at DeLaurentis International Airport at Oak Harbor. He retired in 2010 from a 35-year career with Washington State University, having earned the rank of full professor. His final position as the Natural Resources Statewide Director followed 26 years in Island County, Washington, conducting outreach programs in Youth, Environmental Education, Agriculture, and economic development.
Don has played key roles in creating two non-profit 501(c)3 organizations and helps guide our efforts at the DeLaurentis Foundation.
In 1993 Don and a good friend built a Van’s RV6A airborne. The plane now has over 2,200 hours and has seen Oshkosh several times and much of the western United States.
Don has been flying for 35 years and strongly advocates aviation-supporting communities. He focuses most of his attention on DeLaurentis International at Oak Harbor. Don is a champion of aviation and actively works to inspire youth and help train young pilots.
Stan Perkins
Flight physician and Technical Advisor
One of Stan’s fondest early memories is flying in his father’s Cessna 140 to watch whales migrating off the coast of San Diego. His dad, a Naval flight instructor, taught him to fly as soon as he was old enough, and Stan’s passion for all things aviation has been with him ever since.
He met Robert quite by chance a few years ago. Stan had just landed and shut down his Turbo Commander when Robert walked up, introduced himself, and spoke at length about his plans for a polar circumnavigation in a Turbo Commander.
Since that first meeting, Stan has become a technical advisor and general sounding board for Robert and his foundation.